Why This House Doesn’t Feel Like Home


Home isn’t simply a physical location – it’s an emotional state and feeling. If a house doesn’t feel like home to you, there could be numerous reasons.

Location and unique features can contribute to the ambiance of a house, giving it its unique personality. A weather-beaten slat cottage may exude warmth and coziness, while an imposing grand stone mansion may feel distant and intimidating.

1. You don’t have enough space.

Experienced homeowners know it can be quite an unnerving feeling when their house doesn’t feel like home despite living there for so long, yet still don’t connect with it as their own space. There may be several causes behind this; factors that come into play could include financial or emotional strain as well as lack of space.

Are your surroundings untidy or too disorganized for relaxation? If that is the case, try getting rid of some unnecessary stuff and cleaning more frequently – perhaps your house will feel more like home!

Another reason your house may no longer feel like home is if it brings back painful memories. If this is the case for you, moving may be beneficial in creating new associations and memories in their place of origin.

Spending more time in a house is the surest way to make it yours, and becoming familiar with all its nooks and crannies – such as where to catch the last rays of sunlight – will allow it to feel like home more quickly.

Your only chance at making your house truly yours lies within yourself. From cleaning more thoroughly or decorating according to your taste, if you show the place some love and respect, it will become part of you and feel more like home over time. Focus on what you enjoy most about it, and soon, it will begin feeling like your own – regardless of its size!

2. You don’t have enough storage.

Storage solutions abound, from shoe racks in your closet to dressers or cube organizers. The key is decluttering beforehand to gain clarity of what you own versus what may need replacing. If items remain challenging to locate, try labeling them starting with broad categories, like “socks,” and then more specific labels if necessary.

Remember that your house won’t become your home until you make it so! Please don’t wait until your kitchen renovation is finished or the perfect piece of art arrives to start creating memories in it; even minor changes, such as adding blankets to your bed or placing a cozy rug in the living room, can bring your style and comfort into a space, and will make hosting friends and family easier as well! Good luck decorating! -Kate Snider, Design Director

3. You don’t have enough privacy.

If you live with someone, the house may not feel like home. If this is the case for you, try inviting friends over more often or moving to a different place to feel more at ease in your space.

Create a more intimate environment by hanging curtains, adding an accent wall, or eliminating furniture that doesn’t suit the room. Candles or spa-inspired features may help further relax you.

If you find yourself feeling isolated, making new friends or getting a pet may help alleviate some of your loneliness. Pets make wonderful companions and add lots of character to any space. If a pet isn’t quite your cup of tea yet, try getting a plant or bookshelf as alternatives – these might provide better companionship as well as giving much-needed decor pieces!

J-Eazy’s song “Don’t Feel Like Home” explores the struggles associated with an unstable romantic relationship and its subsequent sense of isolation. As soon as their partner no longer gives them what they need in terms of love and attention, the protagonist realizes it must move on for their happiness – an all too relatable sentiment that also applies to your house!

4. You don’t have enough friends.

If your friends no longer reside nearby or have moved away, their absence can leave your house feeling lonely and abandoned. While you can still have a happy home without them nearby, extra work may need to be put in to maintain happiness in it; maybe meeting new people or inviting old ones over regularly could help to relieve feelings of solitude.

One way to make your house feel more like home is to decorate it with items that remind you of fond memories. Doing this can help create an emotional bond and prevent painful ones from being too painfully remembered.

Create a spa-like environment in your house by adding items like candles, fountains, aromatherapy oils, soft towels, and incense – it will help create an oasis of comfort from life’s stresses! This will also add value to the value of the property as an asset and its value as an investment for future growth and appreciation.

5. You don’t feel safe.

Feeling secure in your home is of the utmost importance, so if you aren’t, perhaps it’s time to move. Depending on the source of your insecurity, there may be various measures you can take to make it safer, from installing security systems to altering your neighborhood.

Sometimes, a house feels like home because of bad memories associated with it. If this is the case for you, remove reminders of bad times to create a space that feels good to you or move to a location with no negative associations at all.

Time will help a house become your home as you become acquainted with all its corners and crevices. Over time, you’ll discover where the best spot is to catch the evening sunlight, as well as which areas have slower internet connection speeds. As well as becoming acquainted with every corner, your personal touches will begin making the house truly your own!

If you’ve lived in your house for some time and still don’t feel at ease with it, moving might be necessary. But if you prefer staying put but want it to feel more like home, try some of these tips – eventually, your place will feel more like your own! As always, if any questions arise or if any feedback needs to be offered, feel free to reach out. I would love to hear from you!