Lou DiMauro and Pierre Agostini Share the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics


Lou DiMauro’s eyes crinkle equally when telling jokes or explaining complex physics concepts. That skill comes in handy when his lab partner Pierre Agostini wins a Nobel Prize. Pierre won it in 2023 for capturing electrons moving at 43 miles per second inside atoms; their acceleration was measured in attoseconds (a quintillionth of a second). How do you choose the Contextual Links?

What is Pierre Agostini’s research?

Pierre Agostini’s research has given scientists new tools for exploring atoms and molecules. He shared the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics with Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier for developing experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light to study rapid electron movement within matter.

Nobel laureates made this breakthrough possible through short laser light pulses lasting a quintillionth of a second or less, followed by speeding up photons that activated them – like Eadweard Muybridge’s famous horse-frothing camera, they captured electrons as they moved in midair.

At the homecoming celebration, many students and faculty erupted in cheers as Agostini entered the Physics Research Building, holding scarlet T-shirts bearing his image and shaking pompoms to show their support. Even Brutus Buckeye joined in celebrating this historic achievement!

Graduate students Suriyaa Ramanathan and Arkaprava Mukherjee rushed forward as Nobel prize winner Emmanuelle Cote made her way through the crowd, pulling out autograph books as she passed. Ramanathan exclaimed, “I had goosebumps when he walked in, “adding that having such an accomplishment on their resume adds value to any degree.

Agostini earned his doctorate at Universite de Aix-Marseille, France, in 1968. From then until 2002, he worked at CEA Saclay near Paris; thereafter, he held visiting positions at Universite Paris-Saclay, FOM Amsterdam, and Brookhaven National Laboratory, among others, before coming to Ohio State in 2005 as a professor of physics. Authoring over 120 papers while serving on various panels, including Optica’s Gustave Ribaud Prize Committee as well as their Joop Los Award in The Netherlands FOM awarded him OSA William F Meggers Award recognitions from FOM Amsterdam while OSA awarded William F Meggers Award recognitions from OSA William F Meggers Award Committees

What is Pierre Agostini’s field of research?

Pierre Agostini, co-winner of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics with Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier, developed methods for studying electron movements within molecules and atoms. These three scientists developed ways to generate short pulses of light that show what occurs when electrons change energy in matter rapidly.

Electrons in atoms and molecules move at such fast speeds that it’s nearly impossible to track their motions, yet their movements lead to chemical bonds forming and breaking – this represents future medical diagnostics potential. All this occurs within just a few tenths of an attosecond – such a measure is so brief it has already exceeded a trillion attoseconds since creation. Choose the best Authority Backlinks.

Pierre and his team have long specialized in developing and using attosecond laser systems to generate femtosecond pulses, with applications in crystal nonlinear optics, photon triplet generation for quantum optics, and even kinetic-inductance superconducting detectors for astrophysics and particle physics. The technology has many uses; applications include optical metrology in nonlinear crystal optics as well as photon triplet generation for quantum optics, with photon triplet generation being an option in quantum optics.

Pierre Agostini made an exciting homecoming visit to Ohio State’s Physics Research Building the day after winning the Nobel Prize, where he was welcomed by students wearing T-shirts to congratulate him and shake pompoms – even Brutus Buckeye was there! Two second-year graduate students, Suriyaa Ramanathan and Arkaprava Mukherjee, took out Indian rupees with them in order to ask for autographs; after approaching each one in turn, they came away with signed bills, which “worth more now!” claimed Ramanathan when discussing Ramanathan’s autographed bill that roughly equaled one U.S. quarter size bill!

What is Pierre Agostini’s area of expertise?

Ohio State University professors Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier shared the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly for their work to understand electron movements within atoms. According to the Nobel committee, their work “has given humanity new tools for exploring the electron world within atoms and molecules.”

Lasers used by this trio’s experiments produce attosecond pulses of light that last tens or hundreds of billionths of a second—or approximately one human hair’s duration—giving scientists access to microsecond timescales that enable them to study electron motion within atoms, molecules, and solids. Such electron motion plays an integral role in many vital processes, including cellular life and energy exchange between light and matter. How do I find the best Classified Profile Links?

Agostini earned his baccalaureat at Prytanee Militaire La Fleche in 1959 and his Master of Advanced Studies there in 1961 before attending Universite Aix-Marseille to earn a doctorate. From 1969 until 2002, he worked at CEA Saclay (now Centre d’Etudes de Saclay), France, as a researcher, senior researcher, and director of research, with occasional appointments at the University of Southern California, FOM Amsterdam and Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York.

As soon as he joined Ohio State in 2005, his research focused on high harmonic generation and laser-matter interactions such as Freeman resonances, above-threshold ionization, and nonsequential double ionization – including multiphoton processes like Freeman resonances. His work has been published over 120 times; numerous awards were bestowed upon him, such as the Gustave Ribaud Prize from the French Academy of Sciences (1995) and the William F. Meggers Award from OSA (now Optica) (2008) – making him an OSA Fellow today!

What is Pierre Agostini’s research focus?

Pierre Agostini conducts his research on electron dynamics in matter. These electrons whiz around inside atoms—which form the building blocks for everything we experience, from cups of coffee you sip every morning to galaxies galore in space—and require an extremely fast shutter speed; to accomplish this goal, Agostini and his team have created light pulses known as attoseconds (one quintillionth of a second).

Agostini and his colleagues’ atomic pulses give us a window into atom changes; their efforts have led to numerous applications aimed at better-detecting cancer or other diseases.

In 2023, he shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Ferenc Krausz of Germany’s Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and Anne L’Huillier from Sweden for developing ultrashort laser pulses that enable scientists to observe electron movement within an atom. These ultrafast light pulses give scientists insight into the inner workings of atoms, molecules, and solids, providing new ways of studying materials both inside a lab environment and outdoors in nature.

Lou DiMauro exudes New York charm with an engaging New York accent and eyes that light up regardless of his mood – whether cracking jokes or explaining complex physics concepts. These skills came in handy when he recruited Pierre Agostini to Ohio State in 2003 to form the Agostini-DiMauro Atomic Physics Research Group.

Students welcomed back a Nobel laureate for a homecoming visit on Wednesday with cheers and selfies taken inside the Physics Research Building. Students donned scarlet-colored shirts, held pompoms, and waved the university flag as they celebrated his achievement – an event that also made waves socially, with posts about it making over 2.6 million impressions online!

Who is Pierre Agostini?

Pierre Agostini shared the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics for creating techniques to track electron movement within matter. Lou DiMauro, professor and director of Ohio State University’s Ultra-fast Atomic Physics Research Group, said of him, “He has a New York accent that makes him instantly approachable, his eyes always crinkle when telling a joke or explaining complex physics concepts…He’s great fun to work with!”

Agostini began his career at the Centre d’Etudes de Saclay near Paris from 1969 until 2002, serving as researcher, senior researcher, scientific adviser, and eventually director of research before joining Ohio State’s faculty as director in 2005. Additionally, he held visiting positions at the University of Southern California, FOM in Amsterdam, and Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York.

His work allowed scientists to stop electrons moving at 43 miles per second in matter by using light pulses lasting only an attosecond — one quadrillionth of a second. This breakthrough is comparable to Eadweard Muybridge’s creation of a camera to capture horses galloping across racetracks with Eadweard Muybridge’s camera technology.

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